Welcome to the Vienna Center for Experimental Economics

Established in January 2011, the Vienna Center for Experimental Economics (VCEE) is an institution of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics at the University of Vienna.

Our purpose is to provide the infrastructure for conducting experimental research at the University of Vienna as well as a forum to discuss and exchange ideas. To this end we organise a seminar series focused on experimental economics and we maintain a state-of-the-art laboratory on the campus of the University.

The research of our members regularly appears in top economic journals. We also have frequent visitors from the best institutions.


Jean-Robert Tyran gives an interview on SWR2 Campus

Jean-Robert Tyran gives an interview on "Replication in Economics" on SWR2 Campus on March 12.


Jean-Robert Tyran speaks at the ZEW conference on Lab Experiments in Public Economics

Jean-Robert Tyran gives a keynote lecture at the ZEW conference on Lab Experiments in Public Economics in Mannheim on February 26.


J.-R. Tyran gives an interview on national radio Ö1

J.-R. Tyran gives an interview on “Nudging: Wie der Staat seine Bürger erziehen will” on national radio Ö1 on February 16.


Abhijit Ramalingham (University of East Anglia) talks about "Resource Inequality in Competition Between Teams" on January 22 at 10am.

VCEE Seminar

NAME (UNI) talks about "On the Impact of Quotas and Decision Rules in Ultimatum Collective Bargaining" on January 22 at 10am.

VCEE Seminar

Forthcoming publication in Journal of Economic Psychology

"The Impact of Self-Control Depletion on Social Preferences in the Ultimatum Game" by Anja Achtziger, Carlos Alós-Ferrer, and Alexander K. Wagner has...


Irenäus Wolff (University of Constance) talks about "Nash behaviour under social preferences? Best-replies, and beliefs in actions and in rationality"...

VCEE Seminar

Thomas Buser (University of Amsterdam) talks about "The dynamic evolution of individual willingness to compete" on November 13 at 10am.

VCEE Seminar

Jean-Robert Tyran speaks at the Rotary Club Vienna

Jean-Robert Tyran gives a talk on experimental economics at the Rotary Club Vienna on November 17.


Maja Adena talks about "Radio and the Rise of the Nazis in Prewar Germany" on October 30 at 10am.

VCEE Seminar

Panu Poutvaara (LMU Munich) talks about "The Right Look: Conservative Politicians Look Better and Voters Reward It" on October 30 at 10am.

VCEE Seminar

We welcome Georg Sator as a new PhD student (at VGSE)

We welcome Georg Sator as a new PhD student (at VGSE). Georg joins us from U Nottingham where he has earned an MSc in Behavioral Economics.


Enrique Fatas (University of East Anglia) talks about "An experimental analysis of information disclosure and corporate tax avoidance" on October 16...

VCEE Seminar

Antonio Guarino (UCL) talks about "Updating Ambiguous Beliefs in a Social Learning Experiment" on October 16 at 10am.

VCEE Seminar

(PUB) Forthcoming publication in Experimental Economics

"Fairness is Intuitive" by Alexander W. Cappelen, Ulrik H. Nielsen, Bertil Tungodden, Jean-Robert Tyran and Erik Wengström has been accepted for...


We welcome Axel Sonntag who joins us as a core collaborator at VCEE

We welcome Axel Sonntag who joins us as a core collaborator at VCEE. He joins us from the University of East Anglia for a period of 3 year to work on...


Forthcoming publication in Journal of the European Economic Association

"Risk Aversion Relates to Cognitive Ability: Preferences or Noise?" by Ola Andersson, Hakan Holm, Jean-Robert Tyran and Erik Wengström has been...


Jean-Robert Tyran speaks at University of Adelaide, QUT Brisbane and ESA World Meetings

Jean-Robert Tyran gives research seminars at University of Adelaide and QUT Brisbane, as well as a plenary lecture at ESA World Meetings in Sydney.
