Welcome to the Vienna Center for Experimental Economics

Established in January 2011, the Vienna Center for Experimental Economics (VCEE) is an institution of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics at the University of Vienna.

Our purpose is to provide the infrastructure for conducting experimental research at the University of Vienna as well as a forum to discuss and exchange ideas. To this end we organise a seminar series focused on experimental economics and we maintain a state-of-the-art laboratory on the campus of the University.

The research of our members regularly appears in top economic journals. We also have frequent visitors from the best institutions.


Jean-Robert Tyran discusses with Maximilian Kasy

Jean-Robert Tyran discusses with Maximilian Kasy (Harvard) on “Volkswirtschaftslehre im Spannungsverhältnis von Wissenschaft und Politik” at...


Forthcoming publication in American Economic Journal: Applied Economics

"The Price of Prejudice" by Morten Størling Hedegaard and Jean-Robert Tyran has been accepted for publication in American Economic Journal: Applied...


We welcome Erich Kirchler as a new affiliate at VCEE

We welcome Erich Kirchler as a new affiliate at VCEE


Jean-Robert Tyran and Gerhard Fehr speak about "The Power of Nudges: Einsatz und Grenzen sanfter Stupser" on December 5 (in German).

VBEN Event

Studierende (und alle anderen Interessierten) können hier ihre Vertrautheit mit Inhalten und Konzepten der Verhaltensökonomie testen

Studierende (und alle anderen Interessierten) können hier ihre Vertrautheit mit Inhalten und Konzepten der Verhaltensökonomie testen.


Simeon Schudy (LMU München) talks about "I Lie? We Lie! Why? Experimental Evidence on a Dishonesty Shift in Groups" on DATE at 10am.

VCEE Seminar

Robert Östling (IIES Stockholm) talks about "The Effect of Wealth on Subjective Health, Life Satisfaction and Political Attitudes" on November 11 at...

VCEE Seminar

A new working paper by Lydia Mechtenberg and Jean-Robert Tyran on "Voter Motivation and the Quality of Democratic Choice" is available.

Working Paper

A new working paper by Jean-Robert Tyran and Alexander K. Wagner on "Experimental Evidence on Expressive Voting" is available.

Working Paper

A new working paper by Thomas A. Stephens and Jean-Robert Tyran on "Money Illusion and Household Finance" is available.

Working Paper

We welcome Ben Greiner and Martin Kocher

We welcome Ben Greiner and Martin Kocher as new affiliates at VCEE. Prof. Greiner joined WU Vienna from USNW in Australia, Prof. Kocher is the new...


We welcome Peter Bednarik

We welcome Peter Bednarik who joins us from the IIASA for a period of 2 years to work on the project “Fairness, Personal Responsibility and the...


Jean-Robert Tyran speaks at the Swiss Congress for Health Economics and Health Sciences, Bern

Jean-Robert Tyran gives a keynote lecture at the Swiss Congress for Health Economics and Health Sciences, Bern on October 21.


Dominik Duell (IAS Toulouse) talks about "Identity and Political Polarization: On the Instrumental Impact of Partisan Identity" on October 7 at 10am.

VCEE Seminar

Séverine Toussaert (LSE London) talks about "Eliciting temptation and self-control through menu choices: a lab experiment" on October 7 at 10am.

VCEE Seminar

Jean-Robert Tyran speaks at the 11th Nordic Conference on Behavioral and Experimental Economics in Oslo

Jean-Robert Tyran gives a plenary lecture at the 11th Nordic Conference on Behavioral and Experimental Economics in Oslo, on 30.9-1.10.


Workshop BEPE 2016 is organized by Rupert Sausgruber and Jean-Robert Tyran at the the Skylounge on September 8-9.


Forthcoming publication in European Economic Review

"Judicial Error and Cooperation" by Thomas Markussen, Louis G. Putterman and Jean-Robert Tyran has been accepted for publication in European Economic...
