Working Papers

Showing entries 31 - 40 out of 58


The Price of Prejudice. / Hedegaard, Morten; Tyran, Jean-Robert.
Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen, 2014.

Publications: Working paper


Deciding for Others Reduces Loss Aversion. / Andersson, Ola; Holm, Hakan; Tyran, Jean-Robert et al.

Publications: Working paper

Second Thoughts on Free Riding. / Tyran, Jean-Robert; Wengström, Erik; Nielsen, Ulrik H.
Lund University Publications, 2013.

Publications: Working paper

Risk Aversion Relates to Cognitive Ability: Fact or Fiction? / Andersson, Ola; Tyran, Jean-Robert; Wengström, Erik et al.

Publications: Working paper


The Dark Side of the Vote: Biased Voters, Social Information, and Information Aggregation through Majority Voting. / Tyran, Jean-Robert; Piovesan, Marco; Morton, Rebecca.
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Business School , 2012.

Publications: Working paper

Showing entries 31 - 40 out of 58