Welcome to the Vienna Center for Experimental Economics

Established in January 2011, the Vienna Center for Experimental Economics (VCEE) is an institution of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics at the University of Vienna.

Our purpose is to provide the infrastructure for conducting experimental research at the University of Vienna as well as a forum to discuss and exchange ideas. To this end we organise a seminar series focused on experimental economics and we maintain a state-of-the-art laboratory on the campus of the University.

The research of our members regularly appears in top economic journals. We also have frequent visitors from the best institutions.


Martin Kocher and Therese Niss are going to talk about "Herd oder Labor? MINT als Instrument gegen den Fachkräftemangel" in the VBEN Online seminar.

VBEN Event

FehrAdvice & Partners and the Gottlieb Duttweiler Institut are going to talk about "Remote Leadership: Scientific Evidence, Facts & Solutions" in the...

VBEN Event

Gerhard Fehr and Martin Kocher are going to talk about "Die Welt nach Corona, Folge 3: Die Welt stand still!" in the VBEN Online seminar.

VBEN Event

On April 16, Gerhard Fehr and Martin Kocher are going to talk about "Die Welt nach Corona, Folge 2: Compliance – die Dosis macht’s!" in the VBEN...

VBEN Event

On April 16, Gerhard Fehr and Martin Kocher are going to talk about "Corona: Verhaltensökonomische Werkzeuge für den Weg aus der Krise" in the first...

VBEN Event

David Dreyer Lassen (University of Copenhagen) speaks about "Digital Life and Behavior. The Use of Big Data in Economics" on the 11th of May, 2020.

VBEN Event

Arno Riedl speaks about "Fairness zwischen Jung und Alt. Verhaltensökonomische Evidenz zu Rissen im Generationenvertrag" on the 30th of January.

VBEN Event

Leonardo Bursztyn speaks about "Understanding Peer Pressure in Education – From Evidence to Policy" on September 10, 2019.

VBEN Event

Klaus Wertenbroch speaks about "Laziness and (mis)behavior – an evidence based approach for public and private interventions" on Mai 22.

VBEN Event

Marie Claire Villeval speaks about "Teamwork & Leadership" on March 19.

VBEN Event

Matthias Sutter speaks about "Die Entdeckung der Geduld – Ausdauer schlägt Talent" on November 7, 2018 (in German).

VBEN Event

Michael Kosfeld speaks about Michael Kosfeld speaks about "Vertrauen als Schmiermittel für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft" (in German) on September 11,...

VBEN Event

Bertil Tungodden speaks about "Welfare State, Responsibility and Fairness" on April 25 (in English).

VBEN Event

Iris Bohnet (Harvard) speaks about "What Works: Gender Equality by Design" on October 10 (in German).

VBEN Event

James Alm (Tulane University) speaks about "How to Improve Tax Compliance" on May 16 (in German).

VBEN Event

Uri Gneezy speaks about "How Incentives lead to better performance" on April 27 (in German).

VBEN Event

Jean-Robert Tyran and Gerhard Fehr speak about "The Power of Nudges: Einsatz und Grenzen sanfter Stupser" on December 5 (in German).

VBEN Event

Event in Behavioral Economics

Event in Behavioral Economics: Field Experiments as a Revolution in Economics & Politics on Sep 7

VBEN Event