Philipp Külpmann speaks at the ASFEE 2019

Philipp Külpmann speaks at the 10th International Conference of the French Association of Experimental Economics on "On the Predictive Power of Theories of One-Shot Play"

Philipp Külpmann speaks at the 10th International Conference of the French Association of Experimental Economics on "On the Predictive Power of Theories of One-Shot Play" on June 20.

We aim to test the predictive power of theories of one-shot (subjects playing a game exactly
once) play in games. We consider a variety of such theories and fix their parameter estimates
from the recent large scale meta-analysis of Wright and Leyton-Brown (2017). Any so calibrated
theory can be identified by the vector of predictions for a set of symmetric hawk-dove games.
We run lab experiments with these games and compare the theories against each other in terms
of their log-likelihood values and by means of Vuong (1989) tests based on these values. Our
main results are as follows. First, and unsurprisingly, all theories have to be rejected at a high
level of significance: no theory explains the data very well. Second, we find that no theory is
uniformly better than all others across all treatments. Third, the theory that provides the highest
log-likelihood for our data is Nash equilibrium with risk aversion. In particular, it beats the two
“winning” theories in Wright and Leyton-Brown (2017).